Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us.
October 27, 2024 15:00 - 20:00
(DE) Pumpkin Spiced NOON
(DE) Kürbisschnitzen

(DE) In gemütlicher Atmosphäre ein paar Stadtteilgespenster für den Sonnenberg kreieren oder Kürbisse mit herbstlichen Mustern und Motiven bemalen. Dazu gibts es ein Getränke-Special (psst…pumpkin-spice). Kürbisse, Schnitzwerkzeug und Farben stellen wir! 🙂

Danach könnt ihr noch den Abend beim neusten Tatort ausklingen lassen!