Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us.
December 22, 2024 15:00 - 20:00 Mitmachen
(DE) pingpongsonntag

(DE) Eine weihnachtliche Runde Tischtennis gefällig? Ob Duell, Rundlauf oder nur zuschauen und mitfiebern, hier kommen alle auf ihre Kosten!