Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us.
August 21, 2024 18:00 Mitmachen
(DE) Offenes Barplenum

(DE) Ihr wollt selbst mal einen Blick hinter unsere Bar werfen, vielleicht sogar bei uns mitmachen?
Oder ihr habt eine großartige Veranstaltungsidee und sucht dafür aber noch den richtigen Raum oder die Technik?
Dann seid ihr hier genau richtig! Wir freuen uns über jedes neue Gesicht und geben euch gern den Raum, euch auszuprobieren.