Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us.
August 17, 2024 21:00 Karaoke
(DE) Begehungen After Show Karaoke

(DE) Wenn bei den Begehungen die Schulklingel bimmelt, bieten wir noch angenehmes Nachsitzen –  bei Karaoke, wo Schreihälse und Klassenclowns auf gewissenhafte Gesangstalente treffen. Bühne frei!