Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us. Become part of our crew - come to the monthly bar plenum or get in touch with us.
October 4, 2024 18:00 Mitmachen
(DE) Open Decks

(DE) Ihr seid die Party! Einmal im Monat geben wir unsere Decks frei für alle angehenden, erfahrenen oder experimentierfreudigen DJs unter euch. Alles, was ihr braucht, ist ein USB-Stick mit euren Tracks – im besten Falle schon mit rekordbox analysiert, aber das können wir auch fix hier machen. Meldet euch am besten via Instagram (@lokomov2011) oder per Mail ( und sichert euch einen Spot. Oder kommt spontan vorbei!